What Do College Soccer Coaches Look Out For?

What Do College Soccer Coaches Look Out For?

As we all know, soccer is a sport enjoyed and played by everyone. Football is played in various formats and structured systems, whether as a professional or amateur. Soccer is also deeply intertwined with the educational system, with it being played as part of a school’s curriculum.

Different colleges have their own football teams made up of students in that particular school who play against other schools on a weekly or sometimes monthly basis. These school teams have their own coaches, who are usually physical education teachers working in that same college.

The coach has a large pool of students to choose from, but he selects the best ones based on certain things he is looking for. Today we will be examining the qualities such coaches are looking for in a potential soccer college player.

Academic Ability 

It’s a common practice world over that before a player gets selected to play for the school team, you must meet the minimum academic standard set by the school. Every educational institution prides itself on imparting knowledge to there students. So even in school sports, you must show you have above average academic ability to enable you to combine school and sports. Coaches also believe if you are intelligent in the classroom, you will most likely be intelligent on the field of play.

Physical Fitness 

College soccer coaches always looking out for the most physically fit students to draft into the school college team. Even though the level of the game in schools is in a semi-professional setting, it’s still important to have players who are healthy and strong physically. This is important because of the physical demands of the game that require one to run across the pitch for 90 minutes and also be able to withstand challenges from other players during the game.

Technical Ability/Skill

This is the most obvious attribute college coaches look out for. A highly talented player is always sought after because they have the ability to win matches for their team based on their outstanding skill set. College soccer coaches want to find out how good your are in your soccer position, what football skills you possesses, and how technical adept you are.


Coaches also like working with players who are disciplined. Youngsters who turn up on time for training. Players who will always follow instructions of the coach and not be unruly, causing discord in the team.

Good Attitude 

Coaches also look out for players who have a good attitude. Players who relate well with their teammates. Players who will put the needs of the team above selfish interests. Players who will play the game in the right spirit and integrity, not cutting corners to win at all costs. This quality is also what coaches look for in soccer tryouts.

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